0_Ltr filing App for Siting Permit_North Seneca Solar Project, LLC
00_Ltr Req Nondisclosure_North Seneca Solar Project, LLC
00_NSS_NOIA and Supplement Table of Contents
01_NSS_Applicant Response to NOIA
01_NSS_App 01-A_Certificate of Formation
01_NSS_Ex 01_General Requirements
02_NSS_App 02-A_Local Agency and Community Engagement_Part1of3_REDACTED
02_NSS_App 02-A_Local Agency and Community Engagement_Part2of3_REDACTED
02_NSS_App 02-A_Local Agency and Community Engagement_Part3of3_REDACTED
02_NSS_App 2-B_Record of Activity
02_NSS_Ex 02_Overview and Public Involvement_REDACTED​
02_NSS_Figure 2-1_Regional Facility Location
02_NSS_Figure 2-2_Facility Layout​
02_NSS_Figure 2-3_Design Constraints - REDACTED
03_NSS_App 03-A_Adopted Comprehensive Plans_Part1of4
03_NSS_App 03-A_Adopted Comprehensive Plans_Part2of4
03_NSS_App 03-A_Adopted Comprehensive Plans_Part3of4
03_NSS_App 03-A_Adopted Comprehensive Plans_Part4of4
​03_NSS_App 03-B_Permitted and Prohibited Uses
03_NSS_App 03-C_Magenetometer Survey Report_Part1of2​
03_NSS_App 03-C_Magenetometer Survey Report_Part2of2
03_NSS_Ex 03_Location of Facilities and Surrounding Land Use
03_NSS_Figure 3-1 Topographic Map
03_NSS_Figure 3-2_Municipal Boundaries and Tax Jurisdictions
03_NSS_Figure 3-3_Existing Land Use
03_NSS_Figure 3-4_Existing Overhead and Underground Facilities
03_NSS_Figure 3-5_Parcels within 1000 feet of Facility Site
03_NSS_Figure 3-6_Zoning Districts
03_NSS_Figure 3-7_Proposed Land Uses
03_NSS_Figure 3-8_Specially-Designated Areas
03_NSS_Figure 3-9_Recreational and Other Land Uses
03_NSS_Figure 3-10_Aerial Photographs_Part1of4
03_NSS_Figure 3-10_Aerial Photographs_Part2of4
03_NSS_Figure 3-10_Aerial Photographs_Part3of4
03_NSS_Figure 3-10_Aerial Photographs_Part4of4
03_NSS_Figure 3-11_Facility Layout on Aerial Overlays
03_NSS_Figure 3-12_Existing Oil and Gas Wells within Facility Site
04_NSS_Figure 4-1_Property Boundaries​
05_NSS_App 05-A_Civil Design Drawings_Part1of3
05_NSS_App 05-A_Civil Design Drawings_Part2of3
05_NSS_App 05-A_Civil Design Drawings_Part3of3
05_NSS_App 05-B Electrical Design Drawings_Part1of3
05_NSS_App 05-B Electrical Design Drawings_Part2of3
05_NSS_App 05-B Electrical Design Drawings_Part3of3
05_NSS_App 05-C_Equipment Technical and Safety Manuals_Part1of4
05_NSS_App 05-C_Equipment Technical and Safety Manuals_Part2of4
05_NSS_App 05-C_Equipment Technical and Safety Manuals_Part3of4​
05_NSS_App 05-C_Equipment Technical and Safety Manuals_Part4of4
06_NSS_App 06-A_Site Security Plan
06_NSS_App 06-B_Safety Response Plan
06_NSS_Ex 06_Public Health Safety and Security
06_NSS_App 06-A_Attachment A_BES Cyber System Categorization
06_NSS_App 06-A_Attachment B_Security Management Controls
06_NSS_Figure 6-1_Public Health and Safety
07_NSS_Ex 07_Noise and Vibration_Part1of9
07_NSS_Ex 07_Noise and Vibration_Part2of9
07_NSS_Ex 07_Noise and Vibration_Part3of9
07_NSS_Ex 07_Noise and Vibration_Part4of9
07_NSS_Ex 07_Noise and Vibration_Part5of9
07_NSS_Ex 07_Noise and Vibration_Part6of9
07_NSS_Ex 07_Noise and Vibration_Part7of9
07_NSS_Ex 07_Noise and Vibration_Part8of9
07_NSS_Ex 07_Noise and Vibration_Part9of9​
08_NSS_App 08-A Visual Impact Assessment
08_NSS_App 08-A_Attachment A_Composite Overlay Map
08_NSS_App 08-A_Attachment B_Viewpoint Photolog​
08_NSS_App 08-A_Attachment C_Visually Sensitive Resource Table
​​08_NSS_App 08-A_Attachment D_Photosimulations and Wireframe Renderings_Part1of3
​08_NSS_App 08-A_Attachment D_Photosimulations and Wireframe Renderings_Part2of3
08_NSS_App 08-A_Attachment D_Photosimulations and Wireframe Renderings_Part3of3
08_NSS_App 08-A_Attachment H_Updated Photosimulations_REV 1_Part 1 of 3
08_NSS_App 08-A_Attachment H_Updated Photosimulations_REV 1_Part 2 of 3
08_NSS_App 08-A_Attachment H_Updated Photosimulations_REV 1_Part 3 of 3
08_NSS_App 08-A_Attachment E_Line-of-Sight Cross Sections
08_NSS_App 08-A_Attachment F_Contrast Rating Instructions Forms and Panel Information
08_NSS_App 08-A_Attachment G_Stakeholder Outreach and Responses
​08_NSS_App 08-B_Attachment A_Landscape Mitigation Plan
​08_NSS_App 08-B_Attachment B_Light Fixture Cut Sheets
08_NSS_App 08-B_Attachment C_Solar Glare Analysis Report
08_NSS_App 08-B_Visual Impact Minimization and Mitigation Plan
09_NSS_App 09-A_Cultural Resources Correspondence_REDACTED
09_NSS_App 09-B_Phase IA Archaeological Survey_REDACTED
09_NSS_App 09-C_Phase IA Historic Resources Survey Methodology
09_NSS_App 09-D_Historic Resources Survey Report
09_NSS_App 09-E_Phase IB Archaeological Survey Report_REDACTED
09_NSS_App 09-F_Archaeological Avoidance Plan_REDACTED
09_NSS_App 09-G_Unanticipated Discovery Protocol
09_NSS_App 09-H_Supplemental Phase IB Archaeological Survey_REDACTED
2024-05-17_09_NSS_Ex 09_Cultural Resources_REDACTED
10_NSS_App 10-A_Geotechnical Engineering Report
10_NSS_App 10-B_Karst Survey and Assessment Report
10_NSS_Ex 10_Geology Seismology and Soils
10_NSS_Figure 10-2_Trenchless Installation Locations
10_NSS_Figure 10-3_USDA Soil Types
11_NSS_App 11-A_Rare Plant Survey Report_REDACTED
11_NSS_App 11-B_Plant and Wildlife Species Lists_REDACTED
11_NSS_Ex 11_Terrestrial Ecology_REDACTED
11_NSS_Figure 11-1_Impact to Plant Communities
12_NSS_App 12-A_Wildlife Site Characterization_REDACTED
12_NSS_App 12-B_Agency Correspondence_REDACTED
12_NSS_App 12-C_Breeding Bird Survey Report_REDACTED
2024-05-17_12_NSS_App 12-D_Winter Raptor Survey Report_REDACTED
12_NSS_App 12-F_Determination of Occupied Habitat_REDACTED
12_NSS_App 12-G_Net Conservation Benefit Plan_REDACTED
12_NSS_Ex 12_NYS Threatened or Endangered Species_REDACTED
13_NSS_App 13-A_Water Well Survey Form
13_NSS_App 13-B_Water Well Responses and Agency Correspondence_REDACTED
13_NSS_App 13-E_NYS Surface Waters Jurisdictional Determination
13_NSS_Ex 13_Water Resources and Aquatic Ecology_REDACTED
13_NSS_Figure 13-1_Groundwater Well Offsets - REDACTED
13_NSS_Figure 13-2_Groundwater Aquifers and Recharge Areas - REDACTED
14_NSS_App 14-A_Wetland Delineation Report_Revised_REDACTED_Part1of3
14_NSS_App 14-A_Wetland Delineation Report_Revised_REDACTED_Part2of3
14_NSS_App 14-A_Wetland Delineation Report_Revised_REDACTED_Part3of3
14_NSS_App 14-B_Wetland Functions and Values Forms
14_NSS_App 14-C_NYS Wetland Jurisdictional Determination
14_NSS_App 14-D_Wetland Restoration and Mitigation Plan
14_NSS_Figure 14-1_Delineated Wetlands and Streams
14_NSS_Figure 14-2 State Regulated Impacts to Wetlands and Streams
​15_NSS_ App 15-A_Agricultural Landowner Survey Results_REDACTED
15_NSS_App 15-B_Agricultural Plan
15_NSS_App 15-C_Drainage Remediation Plan
​15_NSS_Ex 15_Agricultural Resources
15_NSS_Figure 15-1_NYS Certified Agricultural Districts
15_NSS_Figure 15-2_National Agricultural Statistics Data - 2022
15_NSS_Figure 15-3_Active Agricultural Land Use
15_NSS_Figure 15-4_Impacts to Active Agricultural Land
​15_NSS_Figure 15-5_Landowner-Imposed Development Restrictions
​15_NSS_Figure 15-6_Agricultural Drainage Systems
16_NSS_App 16-B_Sight Distance Photos at Site Driveways_REV 1
16_NSS_Ex 16_Effect on Transportation
16_NSS_Figure 16-1_Site Location Map_REV1
16_NSS_Figure 16-2_Main Transportation Approach Routes_REV1
16_NSS_Figure 16-3_Speed Limits and Traffic Control_REV1
16_NSS_Figure 16-4_Traffic Volumes_REV1
16_NSS_Figure 16-5_Pavement Conditions_REV1
16_NSS_Figure 16-6_Bridge-Culvert Information_REV1
16_NSS_Figure 16-7_Crash History_REV1
16_NSS_Figure 16-8_Emergency Service Locations_REV1
16_NSS_Figure 16-9_Transportation Constraints_REV1
17_NSS_Ex 17_Consistency with Energy Planning Objectives
18_NSS_App 18-A_Economic Impact and Land Use Analysis_REV 1
18_NSS_Ex 18_Socioeconomic Effects_REDACTED
19_NSS_Ex 19_Environmental Justice
19_NSS_Figure 19-1_Potential Environmental Justice Area
​20_NSS_Ex 20_Effect on Communications
20_NSS_Figure 20-1_Communication Systems_REDACTED
​​21_NSS_App 21-A_System Impact Reliability Study_REDACTED
​21_NSS_Ex 21_Electric System Effects and Interconnection
​22_NSS_Ex 22_Electric and Magnetic Field Study
23_NSS_App 23-A Site Restoration and Decommissioning Plan
23_NSS_Ex 23_Site Restoration and Decommissioning
​24_NSS_App 24-A_Copies of Local Laws and Ordinances
24_NSS_App 24-B_Local Law Consultations
24_NSS_App 24-C_Facility Parcel Lot Coverage Table
24_NSS_App 24-D_Town of Waterloo Code Chapter 78 and FEMA Flood Maps
​24_NSS_Ex 24_Local Laws and Ordinances
24_NSS_Figure 24-1_Setbacks and Zoning